
The CAM module (Computer Aided Manufacturing) is an additional module that can be bought and activated for any version used to create cabinets.

In addition to the complete management of the machinings and the interfacement with various CNC machines, it includes the management of the cutting and hardware list, as well as various printings and labels.

The entry levels Spazio3D CAB CAM and Spazio3D CAB CAM Design already contain this module.

The CAM integration in a threedimensional CAD such as Spazio3D allows to complete the production process through the CNC machine. With a single application it's possible to manage all the various phases of the product creation, from the idea-design to the final product.

This module, through particular automatic or manual operations allows the creation and the management of machinings such as drillings, dowellings, groovings, trimmings blade cuttings and emptyings.

Using CAM features into a threedimensional CAD makes the general overview easier to be managed based on all the machinings of the composition, guaranteeing the production steps without any margin of error.

Spazio3D's parametric structures allow the automatic management of the machinings. Based on the product (thickness, joints, veneerings etc) the software automates the creations of machinings according to joints and hardware. To better understand the potential of this module it's sufficent thinking about how many modifies implies a simple changing in the cabinet (like the thickness of one element). It implies a consequent modification in all the other elements. With Spazio3D these processes are executed in an automated way.

This module guarantees the complete management and interfacement with every 3 axes + n CNC machine. The creation of new or customized interfacements is also included in the purchase price of the module.

The reliability of Spazio3D's CAM module is guaranteed by the long-time cooperation with the most important CNC manufacturers of wood, marble and plastic.